Textile and even more footwear industry has significant impact on global environment.

Every single year over than 20 billion shoes are manufactured. Majority of the footwear has been still made from synthetic materials which biodegradation takes years. The manufacturing process releases large amounts of carbon dioxide.

It is responsible for 1.4% of GHG emissions in the world. Your pair of sneakers generates 30 pounds of CO2 emissions, keeping a 100-watt light bulb on for a week. Demand from consumers on one side, but expectations from the stakeholders of the brands on other increases the consumption of these products from year to year.

There are however already many brands, which realize the need to reduce this impact on global environment and invest significant sources into new technologies manufacturing process, using less impactful materials, recycled materials, less emission and energy demanding solutions or finding post recycled usage for their products.

We in The Streets are also aware of the fact that our business does not do any good to reduce the global environment pollution. Therefore we started to focus on our part and space where we can improve and contribute on reducing or minimizing our impact in overall CO2 emission pollution.

We divide our activities to following key pillars.

The Streets Brand


One of the biggest impact of our business on environmental burden is definitely packaging and logistic solutions.

Therefore we had put strong epmhasis to find ideal packaging solutions, by which we could be able to significantly reduce our carbon waste and emmision footprint. As result we changed our packaging on all types of online orders.

Materials we use for packaging consists from ecological recycled carton boxes, which are already biologicaly degradable and from PCR plastic packs.



What is PCR plastic?

PCR stands for Post-Consumer Recycled material or Post-Consumer Resin.

It is a type of plastic made from recycled materials that have already been used by consumers. The recycled materials can come from a variety of sources, such as water bottles, food containers, and packaging. This is waste created by the end-user, such as vegetable waste, paper waste and plastic packaging that you, as a consumer, would dispose of in the trashcan. Post-consumer waste is the largest waste flow worldwide.

These are recycled plastics referred to as rPET (Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate), rPP (Recycled Polypropylene Plastic) and rHDPE (Recycled High-Density Polythene).

What are the benefits of PCR plastic?

The main advantage of PCR plastic is that it is a durable material. Huge benefit of this material is, that no new fossil resources are required to produce PCR plastic; the material is made of waste. Its production does not realize toxins into the air, thus preventing pollution and any harm that can be caused to the environment. Using what people already struggle to get rid of to protect the planet, we consider this packaging as agreat choice.

Another advantage of PCR plastic is that it can be recycled again after use. In other words: it is a circular material.

Is PCR plastic biodegradable?

No, PCR plastic is not biodegradable. Biodegradable packaging naturally breaks down into non-toxic component substances once consigned to a compost heap. PCR packaging has already achieved the goal of sustainability before the consumer even purchases it, with no need for further reprocessing.


Logistic solutions applied to our online business contributes the environmental burde and CO2- emission pollution.

The way how we could be able to contribute and influence decreasing our CO2 – emission footprint is to focus on ways of deliveries of our products to The Streets consumers. With that we had put strong emphasis on selecting the logistics provider that share similar mindset and vision.

The company which we chosen for is Packeta .

With over than 140.000 pickup points, delivery to 33 countries and consistent extension of the marketplace is Packeta one of the most progressive and innovative logistics company in our region and expanding with their solutions and vision to the global scale. Besides excellent and very transparent delivery solutions for both, suppliers and customers, where you can track every single detail, status and progress your order, Packeta is putting an incredible effort in terms of adopting innovative and more sustainable and green technologies into their solutions such as :

  • Green offices and depots
  • Consistent investments into extend electromobility in their fleet
  • Investments into Hydrogen Car park and Hydrogen fuel production
  • Collective transport to over than 140.000 pickup points and Z-Boxes driven from solar energy

More information about Packeta and their services you can find here: Logistic and e-commerce solutions | Packeta.com

With logistics solutions we however went beyond. In order to have less impact on the CO2 emissions footprint, we decided to completely get rid of and do not offer any premium AIR FLIGHT deliveries on our ordes, as we consider flight business has one of the biggest impact globally on CO2 emission consumption.

Delivering consumer ordes to the Packeta Pick-Up points and Z-Boxes is significantly reducing CO2 emmision from our deliveries.

In 2023 we plan to extend the Pick-Up point delivery to all countries where Packeta offers this solution.

Part of the logistics solution or packaging is also invoicing and returning our products. Both processes are pure digital and automatic driven, which allow us to minimize our consumption of paper usage.


In all our stores we put big effort to reduce our energy consumption and waste consumption.

All our stores use only LED lights, where it is possible we have signed provider which offers green electric energy. Separating the waste then is must have.

We are trying to minimize print adds in our stores and focus mainly on digital adds communication towards our consumers.

In 2023 we have a plan to adopt more plants into our stores to improve the air quality and climate..

Our stores also contain following certificates that prove our way of thinking ahead.

The Streets Brand

We are against FAST FASHION.

Many of the clothes bought are thrown away after being worn just a handful of times: the industry produces an estimated 92 million tons of textiles waste annually, much of which is burnt or finds its way to landfill, while less than 1% of used clothing is recycled into new garments.

We in The Streets have a completely different approach. With our brand THE STREETS we are focusing especially on high quality, long-lasting materials and high grammage. We are also trying to test and use innovative materials such cannabis and others.

Yes, our products such as Tees, Hoodies, Shorts or Balls are not the cheapest, but with our prices you will get uniqueness, high quality product which will support you for years. In addition, majority of our products are still being produced with local manufacturers, so the whole emission footprint is minimized.

More about fast fashion and its impact you can learn on following link: https://earth.org/fast-fashions-detrimental-effect-on-the-environment/


Besides sorting the waste and switching all lights to LED we have decided to also reduce the maximum temperature in our office in winter to 18°C on one side and completely swith off an air condition during Summer on other side. We are trying to use public transport as the most ecological way of transportation for cummuting to the office, but also to our business trips as much as possible.


Courts Of The Streets

With more our activities, we are trying to create a positive impact on our basketball community. With our project we recycle and renovate basketball courts. We give the old basketball courts new sense. Our latest project in Prague has been made from recycled surface. In 2023 we plan to continue with our mission and extend our portfolio with new executions.

Stay tuned!

The Streets Membership

We are launching new membership program for our community which will be focusing on tailor made approach and better personalization towards our consumers. To do something more, we have decided for a commitment with our partners to plant 1 tree for every single updated/personalized existing or new membership account.

Everybody of us can do something better to reduce or minimize our contribution on CO2 footprint, energy consumption, waste management. Every small change we can do is a part of bigger picture which will positively impact on slowing down global warming and sustainabilty.

Follow our approach and contribute on our common future.





Il sogno di un bambino si avvera. Così si potrebbe facilmente descrivere l'inizio di un viaggio. L'amore per il basket e lo streetball era così forte che l'idea si concretizzò e venne aperto uno dei primi negozi di questo genere. Oggi operiamo negozi di scarpe da ginnastica in Repubblica Ceca, Slovacchia e online in tutti i paesi dell'UE.

Oggi vendiamo scarpe Jordan, Nike, adidas, The North Face, Converse, Vans. Buoni prezzi e consegna veloce.


Spedizione lo stesso giorno dalla Slovacchia / consegna 3-5 giorni lavorativi / Negozi in Slovacchia, Repubblica Ceca.


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